Transportation & Registration
Registration can be done online by clicking here.
An appointment is required if you wish to meet with someone in our Registration Department.
You may make an appointment in the following ways:
Submit this Google Form: Registration Inquiry/Appointment
Phone: 856-794-6700

Parents moving to a new residence within the district must notify the district of their new residence and provide proof of residency for that address.

Parents moving out of Vineland to a new school district or remaining in Vineland and transferring to a private school must officially withdraw their student(s) from school.
Please contact you child's current school for assistance.
If you experience difficulties during the enrollment process please contact Ms. Mason, Supervisor of Transportion Services. Email: Telephone: 845-794-6700
Bus Pass
All bus passes can be viewed by logging in to your Genesis Parent Access. Note: You must follow the prompts then review and acknowledge all of the required documents prior to having full access to Parent Access.
Password Help: If you have trouble accessing your Parent Access please contact your child's school directly to have your password reset. A list of school contacts can be found on the Parent Access log in screen

Once logged in to Parent Access, Scroll down to "Bus Info" and click "View Bus Pass".
2024-25 Caregiver Registration
Forms will be accepted from Wednesday, July 24, 2024 through Monday, August 26, 2024. Caregiver Registration will close for the beginning of the school year and re-open Monday September 16, 2024.
New forms must be completed when change, cancellation or revision of caregiver and/or babysitter occurs. Applications must also be updated yearly or bus pass will be assigned to last recorded caregiver on file.
Se aceptarán formularios desde el Miercoles 24 de julio de 2024 hasta el Lunes 26 de Agosto de 2024. El registro de cuidadores se cerrará al comienzo del año escolar y se reabrirá el jueves 16 de septiembre de 2024. Se deben completar nuevos formularios cuando ocurra cambio, cancelación o revisión de cuidador y/o niñera. Las solicitudes también deben actualizarse anualmente o el pase de autobús se asignará al último cuidador registrado en el archivo.
Caregiver Registration 2024-25/Solicitud de Cuidadora 2024-25
2018-19 Redistricting Presentation
Cumberland County Regional Cooperative
District Boundary Maps
For Preschool Only: Students must live half a mile away from their school to receive transportation.
Solo para preescolar: Los estudiantes también deben vivir a media milla de distancia de su escuela para recibir transporte.